Booking Travel
The Office of the Controller provides resources and information to assist with the booking of college affiliated travel. Information about preferred vendors and guidelines for travel can be found on the Travel and Business Expense Guidelinespage.
It is recommended that all college affiliated travel be booked and charged to a college purchasing card. More information about college purchasing cards including how to obtain a purchasing card can be found on the Purchasing Card Program page.
Travel Documents
When traveling to foreign countries some additional paperwork may be required.
For students the Dean of the College’s office or the Study Away Office can support you with all the necessary paperwork and documentation required by the government or entity of a foreign country.
For faculty the Dean of the Faculty’s office can support you with all the necessary paperwork and documentation required by the government or entity of a foreign country. For information and support with travel documents, please contact the Assistant Dean of the Faculty.
For staff the Office of Human Resources or the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration can support you with all the necessary paperwork and documentation required by the government or entity of a foreign country.